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Iuniper tratamentul hipertensiunii arteriale

The study will provide a precise control compared to the two interventions (iso vs antiperistaltic anastomoses) with thorough measurements of the postoperative variables and complications to improve the evaluation of the surgical technique.

tratamentul hipertensiunii arteriale la pacienții diabetici

Tratamentul hipertensiunii arteriale esenţiale la adulţi. La iniţierea tratamentului cu telmisartan pentru reducerea morbidităţii cardiovasculare, se recomandă.

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Results. The timing and the most important neurologic and outcome features are summarized in the Table.Exclusion criteria from intravenous rtPA therapy for the 6 patients who arrived within the 3-hour frame were as follows: ongoing anticoagulant (warfarin) therapy within therapeutic range (INR, 2.0–2.5) for chronic atrial fibrillation for 5 patients and age 80 years for one patient.

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